
“Psychedelics are not suppressed because they are dangerous to users; they’re suppressed because they provoke unconventional thought, which threatens any number of elites and institutions that would rather do our thinking for us.”

– Terence McKenna


so, this massive topic we're about to dive into?

no. this is more of a…a dry run. like testing out some new features, sort of like a psychedelic trip.



soo.. maybe we’re opening with such an big topic after all?

maybe. i mean, basically, all of life's like one massive, continuous trip. psychedelics? just another very particular, well, trip within that continuous trip. a little bit paradox since taking psychedelics almost feels like it is canceling out the “trip of life” a little bit, or a little bit more. depending on your dose.

after my first encounter with lysergic acid diethylamide, it really hit me. Like, I thought, okay, everyone just needs to experience this stuff, and the world will be in a better place. much like when i thought everyone needs to experience the overview effect just once and the world would be saved.

by now i think both things would be useless. for every “woke” person created, also one “anti-woke” person would emerge and by that it would, cancel out each other. im starting to see a theme here… and with the “overview effect,” same principle: some dude thinking, "Let's save this planet!" while another's thinkin', “I wanna own this one!”
and so far, the overview effect is by design only reported by astronauts, who would have thought.
by the way, we need to change the definition of astronauts, otherwise it wont be special anymore soon.
and being an astronaut, they're already special individuals, so I'd bet they're more likely to be the "save-the-world" type.

when i was selecting the gray for this i was not really sure which gray to pick. the red one? i went with the blue one, that was the color in the middle :D

Psychedelics show you what’s in and on your mind, those subconscious thoughts and feelings that are hidden, covered up, forgotten, out of sight, maybe even completely unexpected, but nevertheless imminently present.
— Rick Strassman

so lets summarize, if person == good, psychedelics = good, else psychedelics = bad;
instead of contaminating—no, poisoning—the planet's water, maybe we should just make this stuff available to those who truly want it. while we're at it, let's make the overview effect readily available too.
just checked, and looks like only about 60 humans have gone into space commercially. In ’23, space tourism’s estimated market value was 888.3 million dollars. HOW?

i’m not an expert, but something's fishy here. there are ~58 million millionaires funny title on this article Number of Millionaires Keeps Rising, who would have thought? with a price of just 450 thousand. if only half of those 58 mil wanted to fly into space, that would be a huge amount of money almost 13.1 trillion!
yes, it’s dangerous, yes it’s virgin galactic but they only sold 800 tickets, IT’S SPACE, not a fcking smash mouth concert.



i don't know how to finish this. Just my random rambles, i guess. Make psychedelics more accessible! And every millionaire who doesn't feel an urge to trip into space…well, they owe a trip to someone who really wants to experience this cosmic marvel.. next to psychedelics and sex of course

lemme know what you think, down in the comments ↓ jkjk


my new love : The Silent Companion